3 Keys to Healthy Feet


So, I know talking about feet isnt the most interesting thing but as I stated before in the last post its essential. Besides we are all grown here and we can think of a few reasons why having healthy feet is apart of being grown and sexy. We can just do a couple of small things to help keep them healthy.

  1. Keep Your Foot Moisturized

    Use products with humectants such as urea, seaweed, and botanicals. This will ensure moisture is reaching all layers of the epidermis (layers of skin). When the foot is dry it makes the foot vulnerable to for tinea pedis (fungus) and warts to invade the skin. I personally recommend Footlogix products, to keep your feet hydrated. Depending on how dry your feet are I recommend the bottles with the blue feet, which I retail at the Uzuri Spa in Pikesville.

  2. Proper Footwear

    Much of foot issues start with improper shoes. Most shoes are made for fashion and not foot function. Ensure your shoes fit properly and provide enough support. It is best not to wear the same shoe everyday, so if you love a particular pair then buy two of them and alternate. Have long toes? Make sure your sizing your shoes to the longest digit, so your not smashing your toes.

  3. Finding a Trustworthy Pedicurist

    Just as it is important for you to maintain your feet on a daily basis its important to have someone you trust care for them on a regular basis. Your pedicurist and you are a team, both work together to create a regimen that is best for that client. Depending on numerous factors like age, health issues it may be different. Diabetic seniors for example should be getting pedicures every 4 weeks. It is important to have someone care for your feet in between trips to the podiatrist.


What is moisture? What is hydration?


Why Am I Blogging about feet?