Why Am I Blogging about feet?

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Hey, all. You may be thinking what can a nail tech possibly blog about, well there’s actually so much. Our feet, especially are essential, they are the foundation of our bodies. So why not dive into how to properly care for them, there is so much to know about them.


The slightest misalignment in your foot can throw your entire body off and can cause foot, knee, hip, neck, poor posture, strained muscles and more. So you could be experiencing foot pains and it will start to change the way you walk and your body will naturally try to compensation which will then cause misalignment throughout your body.

Body Misalignment vs. Body alignment Image


Health ailments can be discovered by looking at your feet and legs. Some ailments will show up in your feet first! This is why it is essential to go to a pedicurist that will consult and help manage your feet.

Healthy skin is what protects us, so we want to keep the skin of the feet healthy. We only get one pair of feet so its essential to take care of them. More details to come!


3 Keys to Healthy Feet